Discover Life on the Growing Edge


Growing Edge Resources comes alongside individuals and organizations to help them discover their growing edge and live it faithfully and authentically. Through this process, individuals and organizations will discover opportunities to thrive and flourish within their given context. Through coaching, consulting, facilitating and offering spiritual retreats, Growing Edge Resources makes it their purpose to equip individuals and organizations with the resources and tools they need to flourish.
Find reading passages to enrich your spiritual journey on our Soul and Spirit page.

“All around us worlds are dying and new worlds are being born; all around us life is dying and life is being born. The fruit ripens on the tree, the roots are silently at work in the darkness of the earth against a time when there shall be new lives, fresh blossoms, green fruit. Such is the growing edge! It is the extra breath from the exhausted lung, the one more thing to try when all else has failed, the upward reach of life when weariness closes in upon all endeavors. This is the basis of hope in moments of despair, the incentive to carry on when times are out of joint and men have lost their reason, the source of confidence when worlds crash and dreams whiten into ash…Look well to the growing edge!” – Howard Thurman

We're Here to Help

Growing Edge Resources provides a wide range of services.


We facilitate group experiences such as long-range planning, visioning, and strategic planning retreats. We work with non-profits, business, schools, and congregations.


In our coaching we come alongside the individual or group to support them in their intention to move forward towards their goals, vision, and desired outcomes.


We offer retreats that focus on "soul and spirit" and engage participants in practices such as mindfulness, silence, and exploration of soul through poetry, readings, and conversation.


We provide a consulting presence through helping organizations and groups to assess their present condition and then work collaboratively to develop recommendations for the future.